比较Campervan 租车凯恩斯


廉价Campervan 租车凯恩斯、黄金海岸


这座国际大都市游客众多,许多人都租用房车进行自助游,房车的车型选择非常丰富。在凯恩斯租用汽车Campervan 是游览丹翠国家公园(Daintree National Park)、Skyrail 雨林索道、苦难角(Cape Tribulation)和约克角半岛(Cape York Peninsula)的热门方式。

RV Rent aCampervan 以卓越的客户服务和露营假期方面的专业知识而闻名。当您向我们预订时,我们的专业性和行业知识将给您留下深刻印象。

Travellers Autobarn

Travellers Autobarn Australia

Travellers Autobarn: Travellers Auto Barn (est 1993). These guys cater to the many backpackers and budget travellers that come each year to explore Australia on a budget.

Mighty Campers Australia

Mighty Campers Australia

Mighty campers caters to those after a budget friendly experience. The Mighty fleet comprises Britz and Maui vehicles that have been retired. This makes the fleet with Mighty Australia attractive if you do not mind an older campervan as they will be fully equipped and offer a touch of fading luxury.  All Mighty Campers NZ are serviced on a regular basis o ensure you have a glitch free holiday in NZ, The fleet comprises campervan types that can accommodate from 2 up to six people.

Jucy Campervan Rentals Australia

Jucy Campervan Rentals  Australia

Jucy Rentals has grown fast since first established in Sept 2001with depots in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Cairns, JUCY have a good reputation for good customer services and decent campervan hire, all at affordable prices.

Crusin Motorhomes

crusin motorhomes Australia

Crusin Motorhomes: Calypso is a family-run company that has been in the campervan rental business for over 10 years. It has a wide selection of vehicles available that range from economical to top of the range that are sure to make any tour around Australia both comfortable and enjoyable.

Apollo Motorhomes Australia

Apollo Motorhomes Australia

In Australia, we offer Apollo as one of our moist popular Australia campervan hire brands. Apollo maintains a fleet of campervan and motorhome rental fleets in Australia and New Zealand. Apollo have branches in Darwin, Apollo Motorhomes Perth and all major tourist areas. Discover the Australia in an Apollo motorhome, good service and good rates and well-equipped rental vans.


Calypso Australia

Calypso: Calypso is a family-run company that has been in the campervan rental business for over 10 years. It has a wide selection of vehicles available that range from economical to top of the range that are sure to make any tour around Australia both comfortable and enjoyable.

Awesome Campers Rental Australia

Awesome Campers

Tour across Australia in a beautifully painted campervan provided by Awesome Campers. Awesome Campers’ vehicles are custom-built just for them, so you know you are getting a quality and comfortable vehicle for a great price. Awesome Campers has three branches in major Australian cities; one in Sydney, one in Brisbane and one in Cairns.

推荐的Campervan 租车凯恩斯旅游选择



热带雨林是该地区吸引游客的主要因素,租用露营车是探索附近世界遗产国家公园和目睹其神奇野生动物的理想方式。库兰达雨林住宿公园(Kuranda Rainforest Accommodation Park)、飞鱼角房车公园(Flying Fish Point Caravan Park)等都是停车休息的好去处。


沿海岸线驱车向南前往布里斯班,沿途有许多风景如画的海滨小镇和村庄可供选择。从渔业瀑布度假公园(Fishery Falls Holiday Park)出发探索热带雨林,或从库里明海滩度假公园(Kurrimine Beach Holiday Park)出发探索海滩。


从凯恩斯出发,向西前往福赛思(Forsayth)村,在那里可以看到奇拉哥洞穴(Chillagoe Caves)和恩达拉熔岩管道(Undara Lava Tubes)。有些司机甚至会沿着阿拉弗拉海(Arafura Sea)远赴卡伦巴村(Karumba)。途中可以看到石榴石山大篷车公园,而福赛斯村内还有其他房车公园。

租车驾驶技巧RV 凯恩斯


布鲁斯公路(Bruce Highway)是一条极佳的密封式高速公路,许多道路从这条公路延伸出去,通往沿海的海滩和内陆地区。在凯恩斯很容易找到加油站。


城市道路:除非另有说明,否则为 50kph 省道和高速公路:100kph


0.5%. 在所有路线上进行随机测试;对违规者处以罚款并可能出庭。


车辆靠左行驶,路标以公里为单位。道路状况良好。RACQ 是为昆士兰提供服务的汽车组织。禁止在红灯时左转。

比较Campervan 凯恩斯租金价格

由于其优越的地理位置,您会发现有很多露营车、四轮驱动汽车和汽车旅馆可供租用。Cruisin Motorhomes距凯恩斯机场仅 3.4 公里。Cruisin 拥有一支年轻、维护良好的露营车车队,从较小的经济型 2 个铺位到大型豪华RV ,应有尽有。

Let’s Go 汽车旅馆距离凯恩斯机场仅有 15 分钟车程。他们的车队中还有很多卧铺车、各种露营车和一些四轮驱动露营车可供选择。

Campervan 租用凯恩斯常见问题
